
Movie - Typeface

Design History

Movie – Typeface

This movie “Typeface” takes place in Two Rivers in Wisconsin. The Hamilton, the company is a nice place to visit... To bad it's 5 hours away. (Field trip!!) Anyways, this small town is very popular since Ice Cream Sundaes were made there. This movie was quite interesting and I'd like to visit it some time. I never knew that small company grew so big… they were popular with wood type. In the beginning of the movie, it starts off with wooden type. They show us how they design and carve the type it out of wood. It's amazing what different sized they used to make ad's, poster and more. Also it was funny how the old folks in the movie talk about what they did back in the day when they work at Hamilton. Now some of them are retired or has pasted away. Next, the movie talk about move-able type, how it was popular, but now it has faded away. He no longer use move-able type as much as they did in the early 1900's. Now we use computers and technology to create out typefaces, poster's, ad's and more. And lastly, the movie talks about different types of printing. Just like typefaces & move-able type... some printing has faded too. We no longer use off-set printers. Like I said before... Now we use computers and technology to create out typefaces, poster's, ad's and more.

This was a good movie, describing all about wooden type, printing and designing type. It's just amazing how we started off using move-able type to make letters, words and books. Now we have technology to do it for us. A couple years ago, I got to print some note pads and cards on an OFF-SET PRESS. It's amazing how that machine works. You have to make you logo's (or images) on a computer and then you print it out on special paper. Then your transfer this paper to a metal plate. You put the plate into the off-set press. Add the color ink, Add the paper and start printing.


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